Brave group announced the launch of Brave global capital in September 2024, a cohesive investment project with the goal to build an ecosystem that can leverage and maximize the potential of the group’s various IPs through mergers, capital and business alliances, and other investment initiatives. (1)
Neo-Porte is a popular VTuber agency jointly operated by the VTuber Shibuya HAL, the professional gaming team Crazy Raccoon and the artists Mafumafu and Soraru. Launched in October 2021, it currently hosts 21 members from the 0th to the 6th generation. The agency and the talents are actively engaged in various fields, including gaming, music and currently count over 3 million YouTube subscribers across all their channels. (2)
Following this merger, the operations of Neo-Porte will be jointly managed by Shibuya HAL, Crazy Raccoon, Mafumafu, Soranaru and Brave group. While maintaining the current management structure, the merger will also provide avenues to develop further Neo-Porte activities by drawing on Brave group’s extensive experience with managing multiple VTuber productions internationally as well as leveraging the group’s pool of knowledge and talents.
(1)Brave global capital:
Words from the representatives
Shibuya HAL
Organizer of the VTuber Saikyo tournaments
A VTuber who mainly streams and posts contents related to APEX LEGENDS.
As a prominent figure on the competitive scene, Shibuya HAL has also participated in the ALGS, the APEX LEGENDS world championship.
I am sure many of you were surprised by this sudden announcement, but I strongly believe that with this merger, we will be able to provide even more opportunities for our members at Neo-Porte, to expand their activities as well as taking upon new challenges that were previously out of reach.
By joining forces with Brave group, we will do our best to deliver even more compelling content, so please look forward to it.

Crazy Raccoon, CEO, OJIJI
CEO of SAMURAI KOBO CO.,LTD, the company operating the professional gaming team Crazy Raccoon. After working as an actor and owner of a restaurant, he co-founded Crazy Raccoon in 2018 with his professional gamer friends. Also an avid gamer, he hosts the community-focused tournament CR Cup which brings together major influencers.
I understand that some of you may have been surprised by this merger, but I have the firm belief that it will open up even more possibilities for the members of Neo-Porte and create new opportunities for their growth.
Through our collaboration with Brave group, we aim to fully unlock our potential and create content that will bring even more joy to our fans.
Thank you!

A multi-faceted creator and self-proclaimed jack of all trades.
In addition to his artistic activities, including singing, lyrics writing and composing, he also acts as the managing president of the company.
Performed as a solo artist at the Tokyo Dome in 2021.
Over 3.58 million YouTube subscribers and 2.16 million Twitter followers.
I am truly happy to be able to work with Brave group, who I consider to be a major leader in the industry.
As part of the management, I aim to step up and create an environment that will protect and support our growing talents.
Thank you for your continued support.
Singer, songwriter, lyricist and engineer.
His artist name stems from his love of gazing at the sky.
He began his activities in 2008 by creating videos that have since cumulated over 300 million views on various video-sharing platforms.
In addition to his artistic activities, he is also actively involved in the launch of a fashion brand and game streaming.
I am really happy we were able to accomplish this merger with Brave group.
While Neo-Porte has many talented individuals, I feel that there have been situations where they have not been given enough opportunities for growth.
With this merger, I hope that Neo-Porte can grow even further together with Brave group. I will do my part to help in any way I can, and I would be grateful for your continued support.

Brave group, CEO, Keito Noguchi
I am truly glad that we were able to accomplish this merger with Neo-Porte.
While this may have been a surprising announcement for the Neo-Porte fans, I will do my utmost to ensure that everyone involved feels that merging with Brave group was the right decision.
We will continue to focus on global expansion and work as one team to bring Japan’s adventurous spirit to the world.
About Brave group
Brave group’s purpose is “Japanese Adventure, World Wide Romance” and its mission is “Strike wonder in 8 billion hearts”. With this in mind, Brave group is developing multiple businesses both domestically and internationally in the fields of IP Production, which operates their VTuber business, IP Platform and IP Solution, which are highly compatible with their other business units, along with Incubation.