Updates Regarding the Privacy Breach Incident

Through our investigation of the data privacy breach incident originally reported on June 25, 2024, our teams have been able to identify other potential data privacy breaches that may have exposed some personal information of applicants for Brave group general auditions in English and VSPO! clippers to an unauthorized third-party.

We would like to reiterate our most sincere apologies to all the people impacted by these potential issues for the distress and personal troubles this incident has caused.

Previous announcement
Apology and Notification Regarding Privacy Breach Incident (June 28, 2024)

New information regarding the incident

Our teams have confirmed that the Google Form used for Brave group general auditions in English was using the same sharing settings as the other previously mentioned Google Forms used in other auditions for groups managed by Brave group and our subsidiaries.

1. Impacted individuals: applicants to the Brave group general auditions in English
2. Number of affected individuals: approximately 2,139 individuals
3. Period during which the information could have been accessed: between June 4, 2024 19:40 and June 25, 2024 17:50
4. List of affected personal information
– Full name
– Country of residence
– Date of birth
– Social network accounts
– Reasons and motivations for application

Additionally, we have also confirmed that the information contained in the Google Form used to gather applications for VSPO! authorized clippers was also using similar sharing settings and may have been accessed by an unauthorized third-party between June 4 and June 25, 2024. However, personal information such as full name or address were not collected by that form.

After reviewing all the applications information and having consulted with our lawyers as well as the Japanese Personal Information Protection Commission, we have reached the conclusion that the number of applications containing information that could be linked to personal information were limited to two cases.

Investigation Details

Following the previously reported incident, our teams have thoroughly reviewed all our internal data and have identified the possibility for a data privacy breach impacting the aforementioned documents.

We would like to apologize for the delay in identifying the present issues.

Investigation and Audit

In addition to our internal investigation committee, we are currently working towards enlisting the assistance of external auditors in order to bring their expertise to our investigation.

Security and Prevention Measures

We have reported the newly confirmed details to the regulatory authorities competent on this matter and are working towards strengthening our information security and management.
Furthermore, we are keeping our commitment to working towards raising awareness about information security in order to prevent any potential further damage and towards investigating potential individuals that may have illegally acquired or used information pertaining to this matter.

Our Response
While we have not identified any concrete breach of personal information such as personal phone number or address, we will still be offering our close support by reviewing each case individually.

If you are impacted by this incident, please contact our support team at the following email address: contact_all@bravegroup.co.jp

Future Information Disclosure
We will keep publishing important information relative to our investigations as we confirm the validity of our information.

Again, we would like to extend our most sincere apologies to all our applicants as well as all the related parties for the inconvenience and distress this may have caused.

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