The ME CAMPUS Metaverse School Holds Its First Ever Online Entrance Ceremony As The Year Long Metaverse Creators Course Commences

Tokyo, Japan April 20, 2023 – MetaLab, a subsidiary of Brave group who operates the ME CAMPUS Metaverse School, are proud to announce the completion of the school’s first ever entrance ceremony, held in Metaverse space for students of the year long Metaverse Creators Course  on April 16, 2023.

The ME CAMPUS school resides in the Metaverse, allowing students to study any time, anywhere through their avatars. These avatars are made to de-emphasize gender, age, and other factors people may receive discrimination against in real life, making communication smoother and reducing tension along the way.

ME CAMPUS representative Keito Noguchi, along with a host of advisors, gave a round of encouragement and congratulations towards all the students as the year’s scheduled activities and events were introduced:

“This Metaverse school, it’s a brand new undertaking. You, as Metaverse creators, display great courage throwing yourselves into unknown territory. Let’s sculpt out ME CAMPUS hand in hand this first year. I hope your time here will be both educationally fruitful and deeply meaningful.”

Introducing The ME CAMPUS Metaverse Creators Course

The Metaverse, a digital space allowing for new forms of communication to flourish, is expected to become a 4 to 5 trillion dollar market by 2030 according to several research organizations.

Major domestic and international organizations have already begun engaging with this field, now having attracted a great deal of attention. Though with much of the technology still in development, there is a worldwide shortage of creators and engineers involved in the construction and operation of the Metaverse.

ME CAMPUS will provide a path for those who yearn to be at the core of Metaverse development, and will take on the human resources role for those who want to enter the Metaverse industry.


Enjoy Your Unique Campus Life Using Your Avatar!
You communicate in the Metaverse using your avatar, while still fully customizable aspects like gender and age are flattened, allowing you to appear whichever way makes you most comfortable around others.

Study Anywhere, Anytime!
“ME CAMPUS” exists in a virtual space, meaning as long as you can access the internet, you can study what you want, when you went, and where you want at home or outside!

Take Part In Group Activities And Learn With Your Peers!:
Learning is enhanced via an emphasis on students studying, working on assignments, and giving joint presentations on ideas and creations with their peers who study the same subjects!


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